Thursday, October 8, 2015

Since Returning Home

Having the girls home at last has been wonderful! They continue to grow and develop everyday. It is definitely different and life changing, but wonderful. Since being home we have had numerous doctor follow ups. With each appt. the girls are doing great and continuing in the right direction. Mocha (our choc lab) absolutely loves her babies. She is great with them and tends to go where ever they are and if they cry she looks at us (or barks) to make sure we respond to them. Also, if Ryan and I turn our heads for just a second she will sneak in for kisses. They seem to be ok with it and don't fuss when it happens. 

Ryan and I have adjusted to functioning on very little sleep (though it is not easy at all). We have greatly appreciated the help from Grammy, Mimi, and Papa and look forward to having Grandma here this weekend. Everyday their personalities are showing more and more, and I love watching them grow and develop. Though they are out of the NICU Ryan and I are still concerned, and watch them very closely (especially when the monitors go off).

Haylee is doing amazing. She continues to grow and gain weight with ease. She is around 8 lbs now and going strong. Since being home her reflux has gotten slightly worse and she has also been put on prevacid. Overall, she is a very content baby, and really only seems to fuss when gassy or hungry. She spends most of her time eating, and then sleeping. When she is awake she loves to take in the world around her. She will stare and watch everything that is going on, and has the cutest facial expressions. I just love to watch her learn and explore. As of right now she is not a huge fan of tummy time, she tends to just sleep right through it!

As far as things go for Rylee, she has a few more medical concerns than her sister, but is doing fantastic. Also, what she seems to lack in size she more than makes up for in personality. She knows what she wants, when she wants it. About a week ago she decided she no longer wanted to be on oxygen. For a few days she was pulling it out every chance she got. Then one day I picked her up from her nap and the cannula was above her nose and the tape was somehow in her little hands. At this point I gave up fighting with her and called the pulmonologist. The doctor agreed to trial her off of oxygen and she has been doing great! She is doing much better with her feeds, though she still has an episode or so occasionally. Because of this the pulmonologist requested she see a cardiologist just to be on the safe side.

 Haylee and Mocha