Tuesday, August 25, 2015


As the title might give away, Haylee is coming home. We met with the doctor today and he told us we are in discharge mode with her. He estimated about 3-4 more days (Nurse believes it will be sometime over this weekend). No matter when we can't wait to have her "home" (in the hotel) with us while we wait for Rylee. At this point Haylee has had her feeding tube removed, and has thus far taken all feeds today by bottle. The only obstacle that remains is she must pass her car seat test. 

Though Rylee isn't being discharge this weekend, she is close to discharged as well. They aren't really willing to give an exact time-frame, but it seems like it would be two weeks max. She continues to gain weight, and is 2 oz from meeting the 4 lbs requirement. Also, she is taking a bottle every other feed, sometimes two in a row. She is doing a great job trying to meet all her goals. As of this morning she is out of her isolate and into a "crib". Though she still has an episode or two of not breathing, it will not hold her up from being discharged. She will more than likely be sent home on a monitor. We can't wait to have all of our family home together